Tuesday 14 August 2012

15 Day Nail Challenge (Day 14) : Dots

Alright ! Dots is the theme for today's 15 day nail challenge run by Makeup Savvy, I can't believe there's only one day left, and I still don't know what I'm going to do for tomorrow's challenge ! Now, I don't actually think there's anything more simple as far as nail art goes than two polishes and a dotting tool. Dotting tools were the first kind of "nail art tool" that I got when my obsession started, and I used them for such a long time, not just for dots but instead of brushes as well !

I found a tutorial for this design by s-lacquer, and I've been meaning to try it for aaaaages, and so I decided that today was the perfect opportunity for me to try it out ! I loved the colour combination I used for the drips on my index finger in yesterday's post for the film challenge, and so I thought it would be great to re-use the two polishes in today's manicure !

So the colours I used for this design, as you may have seen yesterday, were OPI Funky Dunkey and OPI Did You 'Ear About Van Gogh ?. These two colours look so goooooood together ! I can't believe I didn't think of using purple and nude before !

After looking at the photos I took, I've slowly started to realise that this manicure looks far better from afar than it does up close, but still, this design is so cool, I love it !

I'm sooo looking forward to seeing everyone else's designs today, dots are so simple and yet sometimes they make for the best manicures !

Enjoy the rest of your day !


  1. Very cool, I love the drip effect on them, that purple's gorgeous too! x

  2. This is such an amazing design! I love the combination of purple and nude :)

  3. I love this, it's such an interesting pattern. I will have to try it out some time! x

    1. Thanks ! It reminds me of the 60's clothes patterns !

  4. They are amazing, will have a look at the link and see if I can learn to do it too x

    1. Thank you ! It's really quite easy to do !
