Monday 13 August 2012

15 Day Nail Challenge (Day 13) : Film Inspired

Yeah ! Day 13 of Makeup Savvy's nail challenge, and today's theme (as you've seen in the title) is "film inspired". Now, throughout the whole challenge I have had no idea whatsoever as to what I was going to do for today's challenge, and it wasn't until after writing yesterday's post that I had some sort of an "ah-hah" moment and I automatically knew what I was going to do !

So just in case you can't tell which film I've chosen to represent here (the thumb is a bit of a give-away !), it's the CAT IN THE HAT ! Yeah ! I've watched this film approximately 100 times, and never got bored of it. In fact, I watched it so many times that the DVD ended up completely scratched and wouldn't play the sludgey bit when they open up the forbidden box, but that doesn't matter !

So I'll give you a quick description of what each nail represents from the film, along with the different polishes I used !
Thumb (the red and white stripes from the Cat's hat) : OPI Alpine Snow, OPI Big Apple Red.
Index (the cupcake gloop after they explode) : OPI Did You 'Ear About Van Gogh, OPI Funky Dunkey.
Middle (Conrad's T-shirt) : OPI My Back Pocket, P2 Hug Me !.
Ring (Sally's dress... kinda) : Collection 2000 Ninja, OPI Alpine Snow, OPI Planks A Lot.
Little (the Cat's bow) : OPI Alpine Snow, OPI Big Apple Red.

So there we are ! I actually haven't seen any Cat in the Hat nail art so far, maybe I haven't looked hard enough, but still, I think they're pretty original ! So yeah, that's it once again, I hope you liked it !


  1. great idea!

  2. How brilliant! Great idea!
    S xx

  3. This is such a clever idea. I have only read the book to my nieces so I loved your explanation of each nail :)

    Very creative and they look great.

    Fee x

    1. Haha thank you ! I'm glad you appreciated the descriptions ! :)

  4. So cute! I love the cat in the hat x

    1. Haha me tooo (as you've probably guesed) !

  5. Ahhhh I LOVE this! My son is really into Dr. Seuss at the minute and this is his favourite. We got the DVD a while back, it's so funny - "I'll get you, and It'll look like a bloody accident" - could not stop laughing, actual fit :)x

    1. Haha, Mike Myers really did do a good job ! Thank you !
