Tuesday 30 October 2012

Halloween Nails : Ripped Flesh

Hey there everybody ! So today I have some nails that I did a couple of days ago in preparation for today's post, as I knew I wouldn't have time to do them this evening (busy day of lectures, and then the compulsory pub quiz comittment) ! Unfortunately I can't be credited for this amazing design, but it is so unique and perfect for Halloween, I had to recreate it !

So I did these nails using the tutorial by Melissa over at The Daily Nail ! She is seriously such an inspiration to me, as her blog was really the first nail blog I discovered when I started to get in to nail art, and she still does such amazing designs ! This was the first design in her "HalloWEDNESDAY" series, all of which I've really enjoyed looking at !

For this design I used OPI Big Apple Red, OPI Don't Pretzel My Buttons, American Apparel Hassid and P2 Elegant. Basically all you do is paint a base coat of red, go over the top with your skin colour polish, cover with top coat (I use Seche Vite), wait for it to dry slightly and then pull it towards the tip of your nail. I think the overall look is really effective, and looks seriously gory !

So I'm kind of gutted that I didn't get to keep this design on for longer, but I'm really quite happy about the fact that I get to keep yesterday's pumpkin nails on for slightly longer ! Only one more day of Halloween nails before Movember starts, damn right I'm going to be sporting moustache nails, not just for the cause, but also because moustaches are so fly !

See you all tomorrow guys !


  1. Ah this is great for halloween x

  2. really, really scarrrrry! what an amazing effect.

  3. Amazing effect!;)

