Monday 22 October 2012

NOTD : Dior Hearts

Helloooooo everybody ! Just a quick post from me today as I've got some work to do before tomorrow and I've got an early wake-up for lectures in the morning so I can't be too late to bed ! I've done another quick manicure today using another of my Dior polishes I got at the weekend.. I have to say, they really are all such stunning colours, and the application is divine !

So I needed a quick and simple design to do on my nails this evening, and my Mum (who always has the best ideas) told me to do hearts ! I originally pictured just one plain heart on each nail to make for a very uniform design, but ended up going with the three smaller hearts on three nails, and just sticking to a large heart accent nail. This was mainly because I didn't trust myself to paint on four plain simple and exactly the same size hearts.. oh well !

This design was done using Dior Red Ebony (813) and Barry M Gold Foil. The Dior polish dries A LOT darker than the bottle colour, which I wasn't expecting at all ! In the bottle it looks a very bright maroon-y colour, nothing ebony about it, but as soon as you get a couple of coats on your nails you really can see where the "ebony" name comes from. It's an almost-black red polish, just waiting to find out if it stains !

Aaaaaaaand that's it for today everyone ! I'm off to go and do some Russian before I go to bed, hopefully won't be too long ! I hope you enjoyed this manicure, despite the short post about it ! I'll make up for it tomorrow, I swear !

See you all then guys, have an awesome day !


  1. Colour looks good.... Very rich! Love this xxx

  2. I absolutely love your nail designs, they always look so polished and neat. I would love to see some tutorials on how to achieve them though :)

  3. The colorcombo is lovely!
